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 A large amount of this meeting was taken up with discussions on changes we have to make for disabled person access.  The main concerns are parking, toilets and making entrances and exits wheelchair friendly, all this costs money and for a small museum like ourselves this will be a major task.  Luckily help may be at hand in the form of grants.  Although not paying for all the work this will of course help fund some of the requiered changes.  Funding and detailed surveys of what is required is still on going.  The work day planned for the 4th July will also include a major aircraft move involving most of the fighters, this will hopefully empty the car park of aircraft (new aircraft layout picture coming soon).

WEB SITE RE-VAMPED (12 June 2004)
On 12th June the third incarnation of the CNAM web site was rolled out and presented to the online public.  After months of planning, preparation, and construction the site you see now is the third major rework carried out since we first went online and differs a great deal from those earlier versions.  Hopefully this site offers a more professional look, greater functionality, easier navigation and a lot more up to date information to visitors

Having got up early, three lonley souls rendezvoued at the museum for their 6am departure to the D-Day celebrations at Duxford. Their transport was a white Ford Transit van loaded down with a market stall and loads of goodies just itching to be sold and the sky showing no signs of the weather that was to come.  After arriving at Duxford the stall soon went up and the stock laid out - we were all set - all we needed now were customers.  After a quiet start, the pace of sales increased to a sometimes manic level before becoming eerily quiet at times and all this in glorious sunshine, only a little cloud  giving us some comfort. After a great show, it was time to pack up and head north towards the museum to unload the van before returning home. By 9:15pm we had finished and were certainly ready for some rest especially after the takings for the day were more than we had hoped for hours earlier. Thanks go to Kelvin, Kim and Glen for their time and Derek for his loan.

May 23rd saw our car park overflowing with that icon of British engineering excellance - the ‘Rolls-Royce’. More than a dozen examples of this great British automobile adorned our site with models from across the decades attracting interest from visitors and members alike. [

RAF 100 GROUP ASSOCIATION REUNION 2004 (14-16 May 2004)
Yet another successful reunion been and gone.  With another visit to Oulton village and the kind hospitality of those living there helped make this a very special reunion. Having got an invite from 6 Squadron and the 6 Squadron Association, saturday was mainly taken up with a visit to RAF Coltishall for the 6 Squadron ‘90th Anniversary’ celebrations. With another great meal at the Aylsham Lodge Hotel to round off the saturday night, many members said how much they enjoyed the weekend. Many thanks to the 60+ people who attended this year and look forward to seeing you back again next year.

Along with the RAF 100 Group Association reunion, the museum were lucky to have a stall at RAF Coltishall for a little publicity and fundraising. For the first outing of the season and catering to a relitively small audience the stall did really well and we hope to carry on this success throughout the year. [


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